We sterilize, train, shelter, feed & vaccinate animals
1101.01(a)(2) nonprofit corporation

We sterilize, train, shelter, feed & vaccinate animals
1101.01(a)(2) nonprofit corporation
Angels For Animals, PR is a Puerto Rico 1101.01(a)(2) tax exempt charitable organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, sterilization and rehousing of abandoned, stray and abused dogs in Puerto Rico. Our focus is to provide sanctuary and veterinary care to these displaced animals and prepare them for adoption.
There are over 500,000 stray animals on the island that have been displaced or abandoned due to various reasons including Hurricane Maria, earthquakes, local cultural norms and now the COVID 19 pandemic. Our vision is two fold- we want to humanely decrease the population of strays on the island through education while also developing an infrastructure to financially support all efforts to vaccinate and sterilize animals island wide. We currently provide food, quality shelter, healthcare and rehabilitation for all of our rescues. Additionally, we work closely with the animals in our care to give them the best chance at a quality life and placement in permanent housing. Our efforts extend beyond the basic needs to include socialization, therapy and often times professional obedience training. Once the dog is healthy and ready for placement, we coordinate safe transportation to rescue partners in the states, foster care givers or qualified adopters.
We are advocates for the well being of these animals through compassionate dedication. We take a proactive stance to protect as well as be the voice for these amazing animals that deserve to be treated with respect and kindness.
Get information about rescuing an animal here. You can help us rescue & take care of dogs & cats in many ways!!!
Fill out our adoption application here. We always have rescue dogs and cats for adoption . We also work with other rescues who are more active and will share your information with them so they can let us know what they have available.
We want every community to feel empowered to help those who have the hearts & capacity to save animals. Our community is small but mighty. We are committed to saving animals & supporting other efforts to control the overpopulation of stray or unwanted animals any way we can. Your contributions will be used to support the individuals & organizations dedicated to saving & supporting stray/unwanted animals in need.
In Puerto Rico, after Hurricane Maria, there were hundreds of strays & many are still with local rescues waiting to be adopted while others were not so lucky and didn’t make it to a rescue. They are still out there or possibly will be caught and taken to a shelter. Shelters here are 11-24 hour KILL SHELTERS. Many animals are being cycled through as I type. It is sad because they do not give an owner a chance here to locate their animal. No collar, on the street - the dog is usually treated like a stray- either left to survive or taken to the shelter. Some are lucky enough to be rescued and will go to a foster, sanctuary or a rescue who has time and space to handle the case. Several individuals on the island provide shelter & food for these animals but they are now out of money & space. They need people to adopt the animals or contribute so they can continue their work. Animals are running out of time. This includes litters of puppies. There is not discriminat
EDUCATION : educate the island community about the importance of vaccinations, sterilization & humane treatment of animals
FUNDING: locate funds to help cover costs of vet care for the island strays, for lower income families and other active rescue organizations who have no time to fundraise
UNIFY: Identify and help build a more succinct community of rescues on the island that work together to advocate for animals left behind & alone with no voice & no protection
CREATE & DEVELOP: develop programs & build clinics that support rescue operations across the island
NON PROFIT: We are a non profit organization established to help decrease the abused, stray and abandoned animals in Puerto Rico. We are registered as a 501 (c) (3) non profit corporation as well as an 1101.01(a)(2)
ACT 20/22/60 compliant for donations
We have a training team qualified to assess animal behavior and create a training program for our rescued to become trained service animals for their new owner.
All age dogs can be trained to serve people.
We are a non profit 1101.01(a)(2) compliant rescue organization established to help decrease the abused, stray & abandoned animal population in Puerto Rico. We are also ACT 60 compliant for donations
Thank you for donating. The smallest donation changes a life completely. We are beyond grateful to you.
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This website was built initially to save an amazing dog, STELLA. One day a dog started showing up in San Juan Puerto Rico? Where we were living at the time. We all noticed the new dog roaming the streets. He was friendly but scared and enjoyed meeting everyone. At first many thought the pup had a home and was just lost. We all watched
This website was built initially to save an amazing dog, STELLA. One day a dog started showing up in San Juan Puerto Rico? Where we were living at the time. We all noticed the new dog roaming the streets. He was friendly but scared and enjoyed meeting everyone. At first many thought the pup had a home and was just lost. We all watched for him daily and he kept showing up. As days passed, he was around more and spotted at the park most often called Stella Maris. He was in the street, by the beach, in front of stores... he had made friends and in the mornings for his food he knew where to go. At night someone else was feeding him. He was making his rounds to survive. As a community, we needed to help. No one could find an owner and no one came to look for him. A few times he came close to death by car. We wanted to save him so the mission began. Although sweet, he would not let you get too close but if you had a pup or a child, he would come say hi and follow until another happy combo showed up. It was evident he needed to get off the streets soon or he could end up somewhere with no way to be saved. A few of us, with the common goal decided we would try to catch him. It took several days, chats, texts and phone calls as well as a few early mornings. Our community joined forces and one afternoon after an unsuccessful morning attempt, one of us was able to put a leash on him and take him to a vet. That text message was the best news I had that day. We named the pup Stella. Stella is our inspiration to begin this non profit organization and develop this web site!! Sharing this story and others is important so you know why we have the passion we do. Help us save these animals one by one. TOGETHER, we will continue to address the issues causing the increased # of strays on the island and save as many animals as possible in the interim. We rescue dogs, support non profit animal rescue operations and most of all work together to make the biggest impact!
COMING SOON... We are developing a page where we can share with you all of the rescue operations and rescue dogs, cats and horses we have supported. Thank you for trusting that we are working every day to support all efforts to reduce the stray, abandoned and abused animal population on the island. We are a non profit animal rescue group here to make a difference.